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Podcasting for Businesses: Start a Podcast for Your Small Business

Date published: December 4, 2023
Starting a podcast for your small business can be a marketing game-changer. Keep reading to learn how you can start your own podcast and grow your small business.
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In recent years, podcasting for business has emerged as a dynamic tool in the realm of business marketing. After all, podcasting can boost brand awareness, establish thought leadership, and create a community around your brand.

If you’ve wondered, “how can I use podcasting to further my business,” look no further than this blog. We'll dive into how to start a podcast for your business, ensuring you're well-equipped to venture into this growing medium.

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8 Benefits of Podcasting for Your Business

A major purpose of a podcast is to offer businesses a unique way to engage with their target audience. Not only can companies humanize their brand and establish thought leadership, but they can also create a community of loyal listeners. Let’s delve into eight compelling benefits of podcasting that can significantly bolster your business's outreach and rapport with its audience.

Man dropping microphone to show there is nothing left to say about podcasting.

Improve Audience Engagement

Podcasting offers a unique avenue to grow and foster a deeper connection with your audience. Unlike written content, the conversational nature of podcasts allows for a more personal interaction, almost as if the speaker and the listener are engaged in a one-on-one discussion. This enables businesses to share their stories, discuss industry trends, and address customer questions in an engaging and informal manner.

Moreover, podcasts often encourage listeners to participate through comments or questions, which can be addressed in future episodes, further enhancing engagement. By establishing a regular podcasting schedule, businesses can keep their audience hooked and informed, increasing chances of attracting new customers.

Share Industry Knowledge

Podcasting for business is a great way to share your knowledge with others and let your expertise shine. Discussing the latest happenings and developments in your industry can help propel your position as an expert and thought leader.

In fact, 74% of listeners listen to podcasts to educate themselves. Providing a knowledge-focused podcast can help you tap into a large audience pool while also promoting your own reputation in your field.

Over time, your podcast can build a strong reputation for you and your business to promote your strength and growth within your industry as both a provider and businessperson.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Starting a podcast requires a relatively low budget. All you really need is a good microphone, some basic recording software, and a platform to share your episodes. This could be especially beneficial for a small business, as a podcast could help massively expand the reach of your company while optimizing expenses.

Once your podcast is up and running, it can serve as a channel to talk about your products or services, share customer testimonials, and discuss industry topics, all without the recurring costs associated with other marketing strategies.

Build Networking Opportunities

Another of the many advantages of podcasting is how it can invite new networking opportunities for you or your business. When you run a podcast for your business, you often get to interact with guests who are experts or influencers in your industry, which can lead to meaningful professional relationships. These interactions can open doors to collaborations, partnerships, or even business referrals.

Additionally, being a podcast host can get you invitations to industry events, panels, or other networking venues, as people start to recognize your brand as a knowledgeable player in the field.

Increase Accessibility

In today’s digital age, people consume content on the go, whether they are commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing. Podcasts can allow audiences to connect with your business at their convenience, anytime and anywhere.

After all, research shows that 59% of podcast listeners multitask while listening to their favorite podcasters. This allows you to capitalize on those busy moments to promote your business and engage with your audience.

Furthermore, for individuals who prefer auditory learning or those with visual impairments, podcasts provide an inclusive platform. This increased accessibility can translate into a larger and more diverse customer base, contributing positively to your business growth and building customer support and loyalty.

New Revenue Stream

Podcasting can open up new revenue streams for businesses. Once a podcast gains a substantial audience, it becomes an attractive platform for advertisers and sponsorships, which can bring in a steady income. The IAB anticipates over a 200% growth in podcast advertising profit from 2021 to 2024, meaning that there’s no time like the present to get a new podcast venture off the ground.

Graphic showing the word sponsor.

Additionally, podcasts can feature premium content or subscription models where listeners pay for access to exclusive episodes or additional resources.

Moreover, podcasts can serve as a promotional platform for a business's products or services, driving sales through special offers or discount codes shared during episodes.

Grow Globally

Podcasts can serve as a tool for businesses aiming to expand their reach on a global scale. Unlike local advertising or events, podcasts can be accessed by anyone around the world with an Internet connection. This global reach enables businesses to share their expertise and promote their products or services to a worldwide audience.

Moreover, by discussing global industry trends or featuring international guests, podcasts can create more inclusive and appealing content for a diverse listener base.

How to Start a Podcast for Your Business

Here are some helpful tips on getting started with a new podcast venture:

  • Brainstorm: Brainstorm the core idea or theme around which your podcast will revolve. Make sure it aligns with your business values and resonates with your target audience. Decide on a format – whether it be interviews, solo episodes, or panel discussions – that best conveys your content.
  • Get Equipment: Gather any necessary equipment like headphones and microphones. Some of the most popular brands for sound equipment include Blue Yeti, Rode, and Shure. Ensure a quiet and echo-free recording environment to produce clear, professional-sounding audio.
  • Invest in Editing Software: Choose recording and editing software that suits your needs and skill level; there are many beginner-level software, like GarageBand, for first-time editors. You can also consider enrolling in audio editing courses on platforms like Udemy or Coursera or hire a freelance audio expert from sites like Upwork or Fiverr to guide you through the initial stages and enhance your podcast's quality.
  • Develop Your Branding: Building a steady and engaging podcast brand can help improve success and engagement. Create a catchy logo, select a color scheme, and compose or choose theme music that aligns with your brand identity. Consistent branding across all platforms can help establish a memorable impression on your audience.
  • Plan Your Content: Outline your episodes, decide on topics, guests, and key talking points, and create scripts if necessary. Organize a recording and release schedule through a content calendar to maintain a consistent publishing routine.
  • Promote Your Podcast: Use social media, your business website, and collaborations with other podcasters or industry influencers to promote your podcast. Promoting the latest events through tagged posts, teaser clips, or recap blogs can help boost your media presence and gather an audience. Engage with your audience and encourage them to share your podcast.
  • Implement Monetization Strategies: Explore and implement monetization opportunities such as sponsorships, affiliate marketing partnerships, or a donation system to support your podcast. This can be done by reaching out to potential sponsors, joining affiliate programs, and linking donation platforms like Patreon in marketing content. Ensure these strategies align with your content to develop consistency in brand values.
  • Analyze and Improve Your Podcast: Collect and review feedback, analyze podcast analytics to understand your audience better, and identify areas for improvement. Most host platforms, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, offer built-in analytics, making tracking your podcast’s growth a breeze. Use this information to adjust your content, promotion strategies, or monetization efforts for continued growth and success.

Consider These Podcast Segment Ideas

There is a range of engaging and creative ideas to scale the podcast content. Man and woman participating in a podcast.

Here are some different podcast segment ideas that can keep listeners coming back:

  • Interviews: Invite experts, industry leaders, or community members to share their insights and experiences. For instance, Sephora hosts a podcast interviewing industry leaders and influencers on self-image and their relationship with makeup and beauty.
  • Case Studies: Delve into specific examples of problems and solutions, showcasing the practical application of certain strategies or products. McDonald’s, for example, partnered with Gizmodo on a three-episode “investigative podcast” discussing the fine details of their infamous 2018 Szechuan sauce shortage.
  • Q&A Sessions: Collect questions from your audience and answer them in dedicated Q&A segments.
  • Industry Trends: Offer your take on relevant industry news or general current events and how they impact your audience. For example, The Wall Street Journal hosts a podcast sharing rising business trends as well as emerging industry developments and insights.
  • Behind-The-Scenes: Share the inner workings of your business or projects, giving listeners a closer look at your process. Trader Joe’s, for example, began a “behind the scenes” podcast going through products, company roots, and latest releases.
  • Educational Segments: Provide tutorials or explainer segments on relevant topics in your industry. For example, Slack began a podcast discussing advice on building a productive workplace.
  • Roundtable Discussions: Assemble a panel of guests to discuss a topic at length, offering multiple perspectives.
  • Customer Testimonials: Share stories and testimonials from satisfied customers, possibly inviting them to share their experiences on the podcast.
  • Challenges: Engage your audience by organizing and discussing challenges that encourage participation and interaction.
  • Live Events: Host live podcast episodes, possibly at industry events, to engage with your audience in real time. Mastercard does this with its podcast on innovation and the latest trends in the payment technology industry.
  • Collaborations: Partner with other podcasters or industry figures for joint episodes, expanding your reach and providing fresh content.

Sum up

Launching a podcast for small businesses can not only carve a personalized niche in a crowded market but also foster a deeper connection with its audience. The cost-effectiveness and accessibility of podcasting make it a viable marketing channel for businesses of all sizes.

As they say, in a world swayed by compelling narratives, a business podcast could be the distinguishing voice that sets a brand apart, creating a resonant impact in the competitive marketplace.


Ethan James   Lead Writer
Ethan James is an experienced Financial Writer at Lendza with over a decade of experience.